Mark Lowry
Remotely Controlled
Track Listing
1. Once Upon a Tour Bus (The Opening)
2. Take a Pill and Cook the Vegetables (Mark Tells a Funny Story)
3. I Can Eat It All (A Music Video)
4. The Shopping Channel (With Special Guest)
5. The Hair Loss Club for Men (An Infomercial)
6. Traveling Evangelist (Mark Tells Another Funny Story)
7. Lowry (A Tabloid Talk Show)
8. The Shopping Channel (With Special Guest) [2nd Version]
9. Comedy Spotlight (Now Here's a Real Comedian)
10. Birthday Wishes from Willard
11. Milfred Fitzrucker's Poem
12. God Likes Hyperactive Kids (A Tender Funny Story from Mark) [Live]
13. Hyperactivity (Another Music Video)
14. Comedy Spotlight (Is This a Funny Guy or What?)
15. A Word from Deacon Jones (A Local Cable Access Ministry)
16. A Special Report
17. Buses, Beds and Bill Gaither (Mark Tells a Funny Story About His Boss) [Live]
18. America's Most Annoying
19. Comedy Spotlight (Somebody Get the Hook)
20. Fruit Juicer 2000 (Another Annoying Informercial)
21. Dress for Less (Big Judd Brown Shows You How)
22. More Words from Deacon Jones (Not Again??!!)
23. TV Tunes Medley (A Sing-Along)
24. The Hair Loss Club for Men (A Testimonial)
25. Comedy Spotlight (Get the Remote)
26. A Really Special Report
27. Deacon Jones (A Prayer)
28. Mary, Did You Know? (Mark's Serious Song)
29. Meanwhile Back On the Bus
30. Heeeere's Mark (The Ending)
31. Roll the Credits (Finally!!!!!!)